Saturday, August 3, 2013

My funny kids

Here are a few pictures of my funny kids well mostly rylee!

That is what happens when she takes my phone!

Girls trip to Vegas

This past week I was able to get away with Shannon and Alisha. We had so much fun getting away and relaxing. We played table games, watch the fountain at bilggio (??), drank, sat by/in the lazy river, slept, and just enjoyed having no responsibility for a few days. It was much needed!! I'm glad to be home now refreshed and ready to guide my children.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Catching up!!!

So I guess I have been really bad at keeping up with my blog! I am going to try to be better so that I can remember things! My last post was Halloween! Since then we have had thanksgiving, christmas, Adams first birthday, a few trips to Disneyland, Adam had a broken leg, got his first hair cut, and then he was evaluated for speech. He is a little behind! Kelsey finally gave up her paci this week and we are working potty training. Rylee is cute as always and is enjoying her summer fun program. I am teaching summer school this summer. Bryan and I went to Reno and I won a bingo game! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Halloween 2012

This year my kids were "bugs" for Halloween! Rylee was a bee, Kelsey was a ladybug, and Adam was a spider! We went out and went trick or treating. Nothing big but it was fun!
Here are a few pictures from the night