Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's a....

GIRL!!!! On Friday October 3rd 2014 at 11:52am we welcomed Jayme Ann Griffith into our family! Thursday night about 10pm I went into labor and ended up going into the hospital at 1:30am. Went from a 3 to a 4 in less than an hour with contractions every 3-5 mins. At 3:45am went up to labor and delivery. I got to a 5 and an epidural. Then things slowed down. They broke my water about 9 and she came with 3 pushes at 11:52am. I was so shocked it was a girl!! I really thought I was having a boy. I am over joyed with my princess! Recovery has been a little hard on me. I have been cramping and really swollen. She has been really easy for me, she eats good and sleeps ok. Only wakes up to eat or be changed. At the dr office she was back at birth weight at less than a week old. The other 3 have been a challenge but Bryan has been awesome and it helps they are at school/daycare during the day. Here are some pictures of Jayme. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

11 days or less

Today marks 11 days until my due date!! I so want baby to come, I'm tired of being pregnant and just want to hold my little one! I've had a painful week but have had fun getting thing ready. My girlfriends of 20+ years gave me a little shower! Steph brought me coffee and a few baby things she is done with. My grandma and I went shopping and to lunch. Trying to pass time. I went to the dr Wednesday and I'm already dilated to a two. So at least the pain is doing something!