Thursday, December 4, 2014

2 months

Wow time has gone by real fast! Jayme is now 2 months old. She is laughing and smiling. She loves when her brother and sisters come and talk to her. Life has been busy with the girls dance, thanksgiving, and just day to day life. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's a....

GIRL!!!! On Friday October 3rd 2014 at 11:52am we welcomed Jayme Ann Griffith into our family! Thursday night about 10pm I went into labor and ended up going into the hospital at 1:30am. Went from a 3 to a 4 in less than an hour with contractions every 3-5 mins. At 3:45am went up to labor and delivery. I got to a 5 and an epidural. Then things slowed down. They broke my water about 9 and she came with 3 pushes at 11:52am. I was so shocked it was a girl!! I really thought I was having a boy. I am over joyed with my princess! Recovery has been a little hard on me. I have been cramping and really swollen. She has been really easy for me, she eats good and sleeps ok. Only wakes up to eat or be changed. At the dr office she was back at birth weight at less than a week old. The other 3 have been a challenge but Bryan has been awesome and it helps they are at school/daycare during the day. Here are some pictures of Jayme. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

11 days or less

Today marks 11 days until my due date!! I so want baby to come, I'm tired of being pregnant and just want to hold my little one! I've had a painful week but have had fun getting thing ready. My girlfriends of 20+ years gave me a little shower! Steph brought me coffee and a few baby things she is done with. My grandma and I went shopping and to lunch. Trying to pass time. I went to the dr Wednesday and I'm already dilated to a two. So at least the pain is doing something! 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

New addition to the family

Yes you read it right!! No not my baby:-) Bryan's brother got married last weekend. It was such a fun, beautiful wedding up at Hume Lake. My girls were flower girls ( along with Alisha's girls) and Adam was so cute. The Books and us rented a cabin for the weekend. We went up Friday for rehearsal, Bryan came down Saturday for the Fresno state game and my mom came up to help me with the kids. I could not have done it without her, she ironed, did hair, watched the kids, etc. It was a full weekend but I got to rest a little and enjoy the wedding. 
Monday we got to have dinner with Bryan's cousin Del and his family. They are missionaries in Africa and are home for a few months since they just had their third baby boy. It was fun to hang out and see where God is using them.
     This week I have been on an antibiotic and it has made me SO tired. I have finally been sleeping more than 2 hours at a time, some times only 3 hours, but ill take it. Napping a lot and cleaning when I can is my life right now. This weekend I've been having contractions and just feeling blah. Praying they are doing something. Really made me realize how close baby is to bring here. 3 weeks left!! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Another week on bed rest

Last week at the dr he said thing were looking better. Labs came back good, I lost 7 pounds in 4 days, and I could get up a little more. Being able to rest and sleep during the day was helping, since I didn't get much sleep at night. Pretty much I'm resting and organizing, resting and cleaning. Thanks to my mom for helping with the organizing and cleaning part my house is getting ready for baby. Yesterday I was feeling ok so I ran my lesson plans into work, dropped paper work off at the district office and ran to target for a few things, personal products and an outfit for my brother in laws wedding on Sunday. By the time I got home I felt like I couldn't move. I tried stretching, walking, moving, crawling, etc. nothing worked. Thanks to my husband for taking care of the kids and dinner I was able to rest on the couch. However I did not sleep last night. This morning I went to the dr and he said its normal that I'm just stretching and so women end up not being able to walk ( just what I need) he measured the baby and I listened to the heart beat. I don't know what he did but when I left I could move ( well at least walk with no pain) Bryan and I were able to grab lunch together which was nice. I enjoy spending time with that man! Right now I'm a little sore but at least I can walk around. I'm excited to start my moms group back up on Thursday ( not sure how many I'll make before baby) and for a weekend up at Hume for a family wedding. ( ill be mostly sitting around) looking forward to a new view for a few days. Please be praying that baby and I stay healthy and that baby keeps cooking ( even though I'm so ready to not be pregnant and so ready to meeting this little one) 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Back to School/ Work

This week has been really crazy! Rylee started 2nd grade on August 21st 2014. Where did my baby go?
I also started with students on Monday. Lets just say 33 weeks pregnant, hot weather, and on my feet 7+ hours a day did not agree with my body. Dr has put me on bed rest:-( this should be interesting with 3 kids! Good thing my husband is awesome! Please keep baby and me in your prayers!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

End of summer

I started back to work yesterday and I am SO tired! Last week Rylee and I took a trip to Ikea and had a good day being silly together! She could not believe we would drive 3 hours for a store. I love that girl. Nothing's else big right now. Potty training is going ok, I've been working around the house, and I love my family! Rylee starts school on Thursday and she can not wait! Here we come 2nd grade!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Nothing big!!

So last Friday I started with the potty training. Lets just say boys are so different then girls! He will be just fine sitting in poo for the rest if his life!! My girls were poi trained first. Anyway he is starting to get it but slow! Thanks to my daycare lady Trina who keeps it going during the week. In other news.. My wonderful husband Bryan took all 3 kids to a Fresno State scrimmage on Saturday so I could have a few hours to myself! What do I do clean my closet! I cleaned all day Saturday ( nesting has started) Sunday and Monday I wasn't feeling the best, I guess I over did it Saturday. Today has been good! Left at 8 got home at 2. Busy busy day. Adam had a speech evaluation today and he is still behind in some areas, he understands and does single words ok but gets jumbled when trying to form sentences!  We are going to see what the district has to offer at this time. Here is a picture of Bryan and the kids at the game and an older one from camping a few weeks ago!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wow it's been awhile

So I am not even going to try and catch up on the last year! The main thing is that we will be welcoming baby number 4 in October. Thought I would try to catch this babies first year in the blog. Here is a picture of my family at the santa cruz board walk last week. I'm going to try and update weekly but we will see how that goes